Patriarch Alexy congratulates Russian diplomats

3.03.2003 · English  


Patriarch Alexy sent a message of greetings to the Russian Foreign Ministry on the day of a diplomat that was celebrated in Russia for the first time. It reads:

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate diplomats, scholars, lectures and students, who dedicated their life to the noble, responsible and difficult profession of a diplomat on their professional holiday, which is celebrated for the first time.

This day 450 years ago the Ambassadorial Office was established. It is deeply symbolic that the first celebration of Russian diplomats’ day follows the 200th jubilee of the Foreign Ministry.

The Christian ideal of behavior for people and government in the field of international relations lies in a ‘golden rule’: ‘So whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them’ (Mt 7:12). When applying this principle to the international life, we must always remember that ‘God is not in the power, but in the truth’.

Holy Orthodoxy has influenced the traditions of the Russian foreign policy for many centuries. The expectations of the Russian Orthodox Church are consonant with such components of Russian diplomacy as devotion to peace, strict observance of high moral ideals, care for those, who are in need, assistance to those, who are unjustly oppressed, confrontation with the efforts to establish foreign supremacy over our people and allying states.

One of the most important spheres of cooperation between the Church and the Russian diplomacy is care for the compatriots living abroad. I am glad to say that the Russian Foreign Ministry and the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate actively cooperate in protection of the religious rights of our compatriots, and spiritual care for the faithful Russians, who found themselves far from Russia and the Mother-Church. We confirm that Russian diplomats and church leaders make a worthy contribution to our common peacekeeping mission.

On this remarkable day let me wish you God’s help in your work for the welfare of our Fatherland. May the Lord make those, who represent our country in the diplomatic field today, worthy to continue the work of their outstanding predecessors. And may high professionalism, strength in protecting Russian interests, strong love for your people accompany you in this work. May the Lord strengthen all of you.


See also:

  • His Holiness Alexy II, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia