The 7th World Russian People’s Council opens in Christ the Saviour Cathedral

16.12.2002 · English, Архив 2002  


The 7th World Russian People’s Council (WRPC) on the theme ‘Faith and Work: Spiritual and Cultural Traditions and Russia’s Economic Future’ began its work in the Hall of Church Councils at Christ the Saviour Cathedral on 16 December 2002 with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia.

Taking part in the forum are representatives of the highest agencies of state authorities, leading politicians, public and trade-union leaders, renowned scholars, military commanders, hierarchs and clergymen of the Russian Orthodox Church and representatives of traditional religions of Russia.

The message of greetings from His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia to the participants of the 7th World Russian People’s Council was read out by Metropolitan Sergy of Solnechnogorsk, Chancellor of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Ms.L.Sliska, first deputy chairman of Russian Federation State Duma conveyed greetings of the State Duma Chairman G.Seleznev to the participants of the Council.

In her report she noted that one of the reasons of the difficult economic situation in Russia is the oblivion of the norms of Orthodox business ethics.

Greetings of Moscow Mayor Yu.Luzhkov to the Council was read out.

Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, presented the report on the theme of the forum. He expressed his conviction that an aspiration to enhance the effectiveness of the economic system becomes religiously justified, if a man produces material values not only for himself, but also for those who cannot or should not produce due to their profession or occupation. ‘The Church does not offer concrete figures and proportions of redistribution of the excess material means. What share of the fruits of one’s labour the human person will leave for himself and what share he will give to the people in need and to the socially important problems is the matter of conscience of each man and also the matter of social regulation.’

Reports at the plenary session of the World Russian People’s Council were presented by M.Shmakova, Chairman of the Federation of Independent Trade-Unions; Ye.Panina, Chairman of the Russian Association of Industrialists and Businessmen; Mufti Talgat Tajuddin, Chairman of the Central Spiritual Board of the Muslims of Russia; G.Zyaganov, head of the CPRF faction in the State Duma; V.Zhirinovsky, Vice-Speaker of the State Duma; A.Shayevich, Chief Rabbi of Russia; I.Glazunov, Rector of the Academy of Sculpture and Architecture and A.Buratayeva, a State Duma deputy.

Discussed at the Council hearings are the present state and prospects of the development of national economy and its moral basis, the results of recent political and economic transformations and new opportunities and challenges presented by the globalization of economy. The stabilization of political and economic life of Russia allows to look deeply, calmly and responsibly at the state and development of national economy, including its moral basis. Which moral standards should be present in production, business, trade and the relationship between the employers and the employed? How the centuries-long spiritual and moral tradition of Russia should influence and is already influencing social and economic sphere? What is the meaning of labour for people at present, including businessmen? Should the business community care for the well being of society? These and other problems were touched upon by the participants of the Council in their speeches.

On December 17 the issue sections will work on ‘Labour, Social-Economic Relations and Morality’, ‘Through National Industrial Policy to Economic Prosperity of Russia’ and ‘Spiritual, Moral and Cultural Fundamentals of National Economy’.

The Final document of the Council is to be adopted on that same day.

The Council sessions are broadcast on-line on the official site of the Russian Orthodox Church ( and the official site of Christ the Saviour Cathedral (

Listen here on December 16 at 10.00 a.m.