Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church meeting with Israeli foreign minister

6.06.2001 · English, Архив 2001  


Фото Службы коммуникации ОВЦС МП. Официальный сайт Русской Православной Церкви

His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia received an Israeli delegation led by the Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Perez on May 21, 2001, at his residence in St. Daniel’s monastery.

Welcoming Mr. Perez, His Holiness Alexy noted that the peacemaking efforts of his high guest won recognition throughout the world. “We deeply regret that there is no peace in the Holy Land. Any manifestation of terrorism, whether in Russia or in the Holy Land or elsewhere, should not be tolerated. We feel this especially strongly, for recently we have experienced acts of terrorism in Moscow and other cities”, he said.

He reminded his guests that Russia was a cosponsor of the peace process in the Middle East and expressed hope that negotiations in Moscow would produce positive results and that common sense would prevail in all the parties involved in the conflict and peace in the Holy Land would be restored. “I hope that the Holy Land will again become accessible to numerous pilgrims who come to venerate the shrines of the three world monotheistic religions. I wish success to the negotiations in Moscow”, His Holiness said.

The Israeli foreign minister said that “the peace process is in crisis but it is not dead. And we should deal with it more like doctors than strategists”. He stated an apparent regress in the Palestinian-Israeli settlement and noted that it was impossible to hear the voice of reconciliation and common sense amidst the cannonade of explosions and shooting. “The Palestinian people are not our enemy, just as the Chechen people are not an enemy of the Russians. Our common enemy is terrorism. Russia is a cosponsor of the peace process. However, not only Russia’s policy in the Middle East but also Russia’s prayer can greatly contribute to the success of the cause of peace. The heart of every person should be open to the word of God so that we may at last learn to respect the sacred gift of life and build proper relations. I was very glad to meet His Holiness whom I know as one who believes in the victory of peace and prays that hardened hearts may soften, who understands all the profundity of the problems which my country is facing and who has proved by peacemaking actions his ability to overcome differences dividing people of various faiths. I am confident that ultimately we will have the desired peace, since no nation, no religion has an alternative to negotiations and safe future”, Mr. Perez said.

Фото Службы коммуникации ОВЦС МП. Официальный сайт Русской Православной Церкви

See also:

  • Address by Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia to the Conference “The Holy Land and Russian-Palestinian Relations: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” (October 11, 2000, Moscow)