Youth Conference “I am with you always, to the close of the age (Mt. 28:20). Christianity in the Third Century”
1.06.2001 · English, Архив 2001
The conference was a result of the seven year-long work and close cooperation among Christian confessions carrying out their service in the territory of Russia, the Commonwealth of the Independent States and the Baltic countries in the framework of the Christian Interconfessional Consultative Committee. The conference was attended by representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, Roman Catholic Church, Union of the Evangelical Christians-Baptists in Russia, Armenian Apostolic Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia, Union of the Christians of the Evangelical Faith, and the Church of the Seventh-Day’s Adventists.
Among the guests were representatives of the Pontifical Council for the Youth, World Council of Churches, Ecumenical Youth Council in Europe, SYNDESMOS world fellowship of Orthodox youth, Russian Presidential Department for Cooperation with Religious Organizations, and Moscow Government Committee for Relations with Religious Organizations.
The forum was opened in a solemn ceremony on May 16. Sitting in the presidium of the conference were the CIAC cochairmen – Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, Archbishop Taddeuzs Kodrusievicz of Hippon-Zarita, apostolic administrator for the Latin rite Catholics in the European Russia, and Rev. Peter Konovalchik, chairman of the Union of the Evangelical Christians-Baptists – Bishop Stanislav Rylko, secretary to the Pontifical Council for the Apostolate of the Laity, Archchimandrite Ezras (Nersesian), head of the Novo-Nakhichevan and Russian diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, V.Pudov of the General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Rev. I.Alisov of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria, V.Murza, chairman of the Union of the Christians of the Evangelical Faith, and Rev. V.Kruchenitsky, vice-president of the General Conference of the Eurasian Region of the Church of the Seventh-Day’s Adventists.
The conference was opened by Metropolitan Kirill. He read out a message of greetings from His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia and spoke about the aims and tasks of the meeting. Bishop Stanislav Rylko read out a message from the Pope of Rome John Paul II. Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusievicz also addressed the participants. Rev. P.Konovalchik greeted them on behalf of the Protestant churches. The conference received a message from the head of the Presidential Staff and chairman of the Presidential Council for Relations with Religious Organizations A.Voloshin.
Three plenary presentations were made. Hegumen Hilarion Alfeyev, DECR secretary for inter-Christian relations, made a key presentation on “I am with you always, to the close of the age”. Vice-chancellor of the Kuria in Moscow, Rev. Sergey Timashov (Roman Catholic Church) entitled his presentation “I am the Way, and the Truth, and Life”. E.Kazachenko of the Union of the Evangelical Christians-Baptists made a presentation on “I am the Light of the World”.
Later that day the participants met with the three cochairmen of the Christian Interconfessional Consultative Committee. On May 16-17, the delegates worked in round-table workshops on “Methods of Youth Work in Christian Churches. Opportunities for Cooperation and Exchange of Experience”, “Problems of Christian Morality. AIDS, Alcoholism, Drug-addiction and Prostitution”, “Sectarianism, Satanism, Totalitarian Ideologies”, “Youth and Culture: Music, Films, Attitude to Mass Media. Mass Media Impact on Psychology and Way of Life”, and “Christianity and Secularism”.
On the second day, the participants traveled to the Istra Monastery of the New Jerusalem. They were welcomed by its father superior, Archimandrite Nicetas. On May 18, the closing session was held to hear the reports of the round tables.
The participants adopted a final document, in which concrete proposals were set forth for the youth work methods. Special attention was drawn to such forms of youth work as summer camps and work camps, which help to strengthen friendly relations among youth. If those who have not yet turned to God participate in such camps along with young Christians, it will give more opportunities for preaching the Gospel. It was considered desirable to create youth clubs open at any time for teaching the religious foundations of life, church music, discussions on pressing issues and Bible studies.
According to the participants, the mass media exerts a great impact on the youth today. Therefore, it is necessary to disseminate among Christian youth printed, as well as audio- and video-materials and to promote Christian youth actions, concerts and festivals.
The participants discussed opportunities for cooperation between theological schools of various confessions.
They also emphasized that to solve pressing problems of moral life, experienced by youth, it is necessary to found and develop Christian youth organizations, such as educational institutions, clubs, movements, etc., and to promote the education of parents, pointing to their role in the formation of teenagers.
The conference also discussed the Christian attitude to various aspects of life today. The delegates agreed that the attitude of isolation from the world does not correspond to the commandment of Christ and contradicts the calling of man as the crown of creation called by God to manage and transform the world.
The participants also noted that the main means for preventing spiritual illnesses, such as destructive religious movements, Satanism and totalitarian ideologies, are Christian education and love.
Having observed the weakness of the religious awareness of modern society in face of the threats and challenges presented by contemporary civilization in various spheres of morality, such as violation of ecological balance and spreading consumer mentality, the participants emphasized that Christian witness should be a witness of life conveying the essence of Christianity, rather than an ideological declaration. To this end, evangelization is needed. Respect for and preservation of old traditions should be combined with effective means of communicating with the youth.
Among the topics discussed were problems involved in the secularization, i.e. the process of decreasing influence of religion on various spheres of social life and individual awareness and behaviour. All those who spoke agreed that it was only the preaching of the Crucified and Risen Christ, enriched by personal witness in fulfilling God’s commandments, that can convert secularizing society to Christianity and its values.
The young Christians supported the idea of the need to create an informal youth network as a standing forum for discussion on various problems. The best form of supporting the network would be a CIAC youth web site. It was proposed to organize telephone “hot lines” in churches and communities, so that every one could ask any question. The participants also stressed the importance of the efforts aimed to support the family and education of children and youth. They also expressed concern over the publications in secular mass media enkindling religious enmity and found it inadmissible to publish in Christian mass media publications offensive to believers of other confessions and religions. The young Christians were of the unanimous opinion that youth work methods should be diverse in meeting the needs of today’s youth. But the underlying motivation and aim of any form of youth work should be bringing a person to Christ.
“The beginning of the third millennium has been marked with a remarkable event – the celebration of Easter by all Christian confessions at the same time. This common glorification of the Risen Christ has made it possible for Christendom to bear witness to the victory of Christ over death and to bring to all who labour and heavy laden (Mt. 28:20) the good news of the salvation of the human race. The faith in Christ transforms the personality and it is capable of transforming the world. And we declare that nothing can separate us from the love of God (Rom. 8:39), as St. Paul says. Forgiveness and salvation is open to all people.
When He sent His disciples to teach all nations to observe God’s commandment, the Saviour gave a promise to the Church: Lo, I and with you always, to the close of the age (Mt. 28:20). These words make the foundation of our common hope for the future and trust in the ultimate victory of good over evil, truth over falsehood, light over darkness. Filled with this great hope and inspired by the call to love one another in the image of Christ’s love, we declare our readiness to work together for the glory of the Risen Lord”, the final document states.
In conclusion of the conference, a press-conference was held on the results of its three-day work.