Interreligious round-table conference in Syracuse
4.01.2001 · English, Архив 2000
A round-table conference on the Role of Monotheistic Religions in Face of Armed Conflicts took place on December 7-9 in Syracuse, Italy. It was organized by the Council of Europe High Commissioner for Human Rights. Chaired by the High Commissioner Alvaro Jil-Robles, it was attended by representatives of Orthodox, the Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches, Islamic and Jewish religious organizations and the Council of Europe staff members. Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, DECR secretary for church-society relations, made a presentation on Religion and Conflict: the Background of the Problem and Ways of its Solution.
The participants discussed the influence made by the religious factor on the development and resolution of inter-ethnic and civil conflicts and the mutual influence of religious standards and secular law on national and international levels. Among the subjects discussed were also prospects for dialogue between followers of various religions and their dialogue with adherents to the humanistic outlook. The round table adopted a document which, among other things, deplores religious fanaticism as well as abuse of believers’ sentiments to provoke violence, enmity and hatred. The document reaffirms that the respect for human freedom and dignity should be combined with justice. It also states that sometimes conflicts have been caused by disrespect for believers’ feelings. Therefore, respect for religious convictions and ideals, for the places of worships and for the integral religious way of life chosen freely by believers should be observed on national and international levels.