The Christian Interconfessional Consultative Committee (CICC)

7.11.2000 · English, Архив 2000  


The fifth session of the Board of the Christian Interconfessional Consultative Committee (CICC) was held in the assembly hall of the Department for External Church Relations. Taking part in the session were the CICC co-chairmen: Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations; Rev.Petr Borisovich Konovalchik, chairman of the Russian Union of the Evangelical Christians Baptists; heads and chairmen of other Christian confessions represented at the CICC Board.

It was decided hold an InterChristian youth conference in Moscow on 30-31 January 2000 and to set up a preparation committee made of nine persons- leaders of Christian youth movements. The committee shall weigh the importance of cooperation among young Christians of different confessions, determine the forms of interconfessional youth cooperation and draw up the agenda of the conference, which will be financed through the contributions made by all confessions.

The representatives of Christian confessions agreed to set up the Interconfessional study committee for sects and new religions movements at the CICC. The committee shall commence its work in mid-November.

The next session of the CICC Board is planned for 31 January 2001.