Conversations between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Armenian Apostolic Church
11.07.2000 · English, Архив 2000
Conversations between Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchatre and Bishop Yeznik, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Armenian Apostolic Church were held at the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate on 6 July 2000. Also taking part in the conversation on behalf of the Russian Orthodox Church were Hegumen Hilarion (Alfeyev), the DECR secretary for Inter-Christian Relations, and Mr.Vlladimir V.Shmaly, a staff member of the same secretariat.
The objective of the meeting was to determine practical steps for the implementation of an agreement to begin direct bilateral dialogue between the Armenian Apostolic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church reached at the conversations between His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia and His Holiness Supreme Patriarch and Catholics of All Armenians Karekin II during the historical visit of the Primate of the Armenian Apostolic Church to Moscow from 29 February to 3 March 2000.
The following agreements were reached in the course of the conversations on 6 July 2000:
1. The parties reaffirmed their mutual wish and interest to develop dialogue and cooperation between the Armenian Apostolic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church on a wide range of tasks, which they are facing in their life and ministry. It was stated that largely conducive to that decision were fraternal relations, which have historically existed between the people of Armenia and Russia and reaffirmed recently, as well as an exceptional place and importance of the Armenian Apostolic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church in the history and culture of their countries, and also the similarity of problems, which both Churches have to solve at present.
2. The dialogue between the Armenian Apostolic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church shall begin with the discussion of problems, most topical for both Churches at present, such as the relationship between the Church and society and pastoral response to the challenges of the modern times, including those in the field of bio-ethics.
3. At the same time, theological problems proper should also be on the agenda of the dialogue. The parties agreed that theological dialogue must be thoroughly prepared and based on serious common research work of theologians and scholars of both Churches. Theological problems to be dealt at the dialogue should not be limited by Christology. It is desirable to include in it such themes as Maryology, veneration of icons, hagiology, and the models and ideals of sanctity and spiritual life. An essential direction in common theological work could be the study of the theme of Tradition, and in particular, of the place and role of the Ecumenical Councils in the Church. The parties stated the similarity of their positions regarding ‘The Second Agreed Statement and Recommendations to Churches’ (Chambesy, Switzerland, 1990), which, in their opinion, cannot be considered as final.
4. For the purposes of planning and monitoring the dialogue, it was decided to set up a working group composed of four persons: two representatives of the Armenian Apostolic Church and two representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church.
5. To conduct the dialogue it is necessary to establish a theological commission composed of twelve persons (six representatives of each Church). They should be hierarchs, clergymen, theologians, scholars and experts of both Churches. The first meeting of the commission will take place in the first half of 2001. Exact dates will be fixed at the first meeting of the working group in October 2000.
6. The dialogue between the Armenian Apostolic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church should not be limited by conversations within the framework of the commission. The dialogue should promote mutual study of the traditions, life and ministry of the two Churches (in particular, in the field of education, social ministry and mission). In the course of the meeting it was recommended to hold common theological and scholarly conferences, symposia ands seminars in the framework of the dialogue. It was also considered expedient to develop scholarly and theological cooperation between scholars and theologians in various fields of church ministry and between students of the theological schools, to invite representatives of the other side to take part in different scholarly, cultural and public events of our Churches. The forms and themes of this cooperation will be determined by the working group.
7. In the course of the conversations it was considered very important to have regular and quick exchange of information and publications about the life and ministry of both Churches.
8. Besides the discussion of the problems of bilateral dialogue, the sides stated the similarity of their position on a number of other matters, such as the relations with other Churches, international Christian organizations, European institutions, the attitude to the process of European integration as well as the challenge of globalization. By the results of the mutually helpful exchange of opinions it was considered necessary to study these problems together.