Statement on the situation in Dagestan

7.09.1999 · English, Архив 2000  


Again blood is being shed in the Northern Caucasus. New hotbeds of tension have appeared on the territory of Dagestan – the republic the people of which have kept unity with other peoples of Russia for many years and played an important role in the building up of the nation.

The militant extremists who broke into Dagestan from the outside have disrupted the peaceful life on this land. Under their influence the forces whose aim is to change the customary order of things and to separate the republic from Russia have been activated.

In order to avoid the escalation of the conflict and numerous victims, the federal authorities with support of the majority of the population of Dagestan used force to restore law and order. While understanding the necessity of this measure and supporting the mission of the Russian soldiers and law enforcement bodies, our Church at the same time calls upon the army to do everything to defend the peaceful population of the regions where operations are taking place.

We mourn for the innocent victims and pray for their rest in the Heavenly mansions.

The Russian Orthodox Church resolutely rejects the media presentation of the events in Dagestan as an interreligious conflict. Christians and Muslims in the Northern Caucasus have lived in peace and cooperation for centuries. Today nothing must prevent the preservation and strengthening of this good tradition. We are worried about the attempts to link the actions of extremists with the Islamic faith as such and to divide people on religious lines. We highly appreciate the good relations between Orthodox and Muslims in Russia which are largely conducive to the accord and stability in society.

We respect the right of the followers of Islam to order their life in accordance with their faith upon which their national and cultural style of life has been affirmed. Nevertheless, the process of spiritual revival in Dagestan must go in accord with the generally accepted norms of human community within the law. It seems important to secure such a social climate in the republic which would facilitate interethnic and innterreligious accord, help people to lead an honest and decent life, and oppose crime and corruption in any form.

The holy prophet Daniel sang to God: ‘Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for thou dost judge the peoples with equity and guide the nations upon earth’ (Ps.67:4). May the Lord bless the peoples of Dagestan and all Northern Caucasus by granting them peace and prosperity.