Church-state relations in the diocese of Smolensk

8.12.1998 · English, Архив 1998  


On August 10, 1998, the Day of Our Lady of Smolensk, called “Hodegitria”, Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad and the Smolensk regional governor A. Prokhorov issued an open letter to the people of the Smolensk land. The emergence of this document was motivated by the desire to unite the patriotic forces who care for the Motherland in word and deed in the Orthodox
land of Smolensk which has preserved through centuries its great name of the “Shield of Russia”. The letter announces the formation of a local association “The Smolians” and calls all those who can serve Russia to cooperation. This is an attempt to create an atmosphere of support for the business community in the Smolensk region. The secular guarantee of the appropriate attitude towards those who wish to apply their intellect, skills and resources in the Smolensk land will be ensured by the highest regional executive and his associates, while the spiritual guarantee will be ensured by the metropolitan and the Smolensk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. “Though it is a difficult time for the Smolensk land and the Smolians, just as it is for every one, a good community spirit of mutual help and support has prevailed in the region. It is our conviction that we shall overcome material poverty and shall do it soon in accord and mutual tolerance”, states the appeal by Metropolitan Kiril and Governor Prokhorov.

Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad and the Smolensk Governor Prokhorov signed on August 29, 1998, at Roslavl near Smolensk a joint document “Guidelines for Spiritual and Civic Cooperation and Mutual Support Between the Administration of the Smolensk Region and the Smolensk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church”.

The document states in particular, “Time draws us increasingly nearer the year 2000, the beginning of the third millennium from the Nativity of Christ, and it is natural that all our thoughts should be focused on what moral baggage and economic potential Russia will take into the new millennium; what kind of human being and what kind of nation she will give to the world in the 21st century. The prolonged economic crisis in our country is above all an ideological and spiritual crisis. The revival of Russia should begin with the restoration of national self-awareness and elevation of the national spirit. Matter cannot create without spirit.

“We respect the freedom of choice for all Russian citizens. The state is obliged to take into account and it does take into account the interests of various religious groups. But it is doubtless and obvious that the Orthodox Church has played an exceptional role in the life of the people and the country and in the formation and support of the national and cultural self-awareness of the people.

“For us the way to the future lies through gathering those forces and renewing those sources which have always sustained our people, ensuring their unity and prosperity. The same forces and the same sources determine the glory and power of the Motherland. A special role in this has always belonged to Orthodoxy. The Orthodox Church united our people. It is with the Church that the names of great enlighteners, hierarchs, priests, lay people – the outstanding sons of the Motherland – are associated. Among them Dostoyevsky and Tchaikovsky, Glinka and Chekhov, Borodin and Bunin, and many others.

“The revival of Orthodoxy today is the revival of the spiritual roots of the nation and its faith through building the Orthodox culture and morality, rather than a mechanical use of ideas associated with Orthodoxy in the socio-political field. The state today should help the Church, without taking upon itself her functions. Cooperation is to be carried out primarily in education, social service, charity and should be subject to the only goal which is the formation of the citizen as a highly moral person and patriot of his Motherland.

“Unfortunately, the measures taken on the federal level have not always been sufficient and have failed to produce appropriate results in improving affairs in the spiritual and moral field. The Russian province should become an obstacle on the way of the spiritual muddle in the country and create through its own efforts a dignified life built on its inherent foundations”.

The document adopted by the Smolensk diocese and the regional administration will be used as a basis for developing a program of concrete cooperation and joint efforts as well as agreements on its implementation.

On the day of the signing, Metropolitan Kirill and Governor Prokhorov visited the diocesan Orthodox Gymnasium No. 2 at Roslavl where the governor presented the ruling bishop with the document transferring the gymnasium building to the Smolensk diocese for ownership.