Commemoration day of Metropolitan Nikodim
7.12.1998 · English, Архив 1998
5 September 1998 marked the 20th anniversary of the demise of His Eminence Metropolitan Nikodim (Rotov) of Leningrad and Novgorod, a prominent hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church. His sacrificial ministry coincided with one of the most difficult periods of church history. He was ordained in 1947 and since then fulfilled different ministries. His work largely determined the life of our Church. Metropolitan Nikodim could see things in broad perspective and had a rare ability to solve seemingly insoluble tasks. He was an example of indestructible steadfastness and exceptional commitment to the cause of the Church during the times of state atheism and persecutions of the Church of Christ. Being a gifted theologian, Metropolitan Nikodim combined practical church activity with scholarly work in different church subjects, such as dogmatics, church history and hymnography. He was an honorary member of the Leningrad and Moscow Theological Academies as well as of some foreign theological academies and faculties by right. During his short, but very full and bright life Metropolitan Nikodim gave all the strength of his soul to the building up of the Church, to the strengthening and consolidation of Russian Orthodoxy.
To commemorate the memory of the Most Reverend Metropolitan Nikodim in St. Petersburg there came 20 hierarchs from Russia and abroad, many of whom began their ministry to the Church with the archpastoral blessing of Metropolitan Nikodim. Many clergymen and laymen of the St. Petersburg diocese which Metropoltan Nikodim governed for over 15 years, gathered in the St. Alexander Nevsky Laura to commemorate Metropolitan Nikodim by prayer thus witnessing their grateful memory of the outstanding hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church. Even after 20 years after his demise his image is alive in the hearts of his admirers and true disciples. That speaks of the bright and exceptional personality of Metropolitan Nikodim. The assessments of his activities are not the same. Incompetent and unjust judgments of some people, who claim to belong to the church but do not know much about it, often distort the image of this prominent church hierarch and sow discord among the people of God. The solemn commemoration of Metropolitan Nikodim of Leningrad and Novgorod held on September 4-5 was the visible answer of his grateful flock and true admirers to the insinuations of ill-wishers.
On September 4, Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsy and Kolomna, a permanent member of the Holy Synod an evening Divine service with Parastas in the Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Laura.
On 5 September 1998, the Divine Liturgy was celebrated in the same cathedral by 20 hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church led by the permanent members of the Holy Synod, Metropolitans Vladimir of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, Juvenaly of Krutitsy and Kolomna and Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations. After the Divine Liturgy a Panikhida was conducted for the ever memorable Metropolitan Nikodim after which the assembly of clergy and many laymen went to his grave at the St. Nicholas cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Laura where Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad conducted the Litiya office.
That same day a solemn act of commemoration of His Eminence Metropolitan Nikodim of Leningrad and Novgorod took place in the Assembly hall of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy with the participation of the faculty and students. Speaking at the meeting were Metropolitan Vladimir of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsy and Kolomna, Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Archbishop Chrysostom of Vilnius and Lithuania, Archpriest Vladimir Sorokin (St. Petersburg diocese), Archpriest Alexander Ranne (Novgorod diocese), Archpriest Nicholas Teteryatnikov (St. Petersburg diocese).
Metropolitan Vladimir of St. Petersburg and Ladoga opened the meeting and shared his reminiscences about Metropolitan Nikodim, paying special attention to his services in the renewal of personnel of the Russian Orthodox bishops, care for theological education and defending the Leningrad Theological schools from the closure with which it was threatened.
Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsy and Kolomna told the audience of how the Church opposed persecution on the part of the atheistic authorities. Russian Orthodoxy, rendered lifeless by the unprecedented persecutions as brutal as those committed in the first centuries of Christianity, regained new strength for revival and restoration through the indefatigable work of Metropolitan Nikodim, – stressed Metropolitan Juvenaly. The pastoral concern of Metropolitan Nikodim for the destiny of the Church, his zealous ministry in the field of Christ were a bright example to all those who worked with him, and many of them followed it through all their lives.
Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad spoke about the struggle which Metropolitan Nikodim waged, often openly and sometimes compellingly, ‘diplomatically’, but always fearlessly, for the sake of the free fulfillment by the Church of its duty and destiny under repressive state atheism. The courage of this outstanding hierarch, his exceptional erudition and utter commitment to the cause of the Church helped it withstand the years of trial. He was the first who began to speak with the earthly authorities as equals. The state regime hated and feared him, but had to respect him. At present certain forces, which are striving to lock the Church in the framework of cultural and historical heritage, clearly understand the importance of the adequate assessment of the work and personality of Metropolitan Nikodim to the new generations of hierarchs and do their utmost to blacken his name. Metropolitan Kirill said that ‘they continue to fear him even dead’.
Archbishop Chrysostom of Vilnius and Lithuania emphasized that the activity of Metropolitan Nikodim was very similar to the work of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon at the time when the theomachists’ persecution began. The young Soviet regime waged an active struggle against ‘Tikhonism’ and, unfortunately, found like-minded persons among the ‘Renovationist’ clergy. Later, certain forces tried to discredit the good name of Metropoltan Nikodim and also found supporters among people who do not know much about the Church but are very ambitious ‘fighters with Nikodimism’.
The solemn commemoration act was concluded with a common prayer for the rest of the soul of His Eminence Metropolitan Nikodim of Leningrad and Novgorod deceased in the Lord in the mansions of the righteousness.
In the evening, after the Vigil service, many hierarchs and clergymen visited the church of Faith, Hope and Charity where they venerated the relics of St. Alexander of Svir.