Session of the Holy Synod on 17thJuly 1997
28.07.1997 · English, Определения Священного Синода
At its session on 17th July1997, chaired by the PATRIARCH, the Holy Synod
HEARD: the information from Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia in his capacity as Holy Archimandrite of St. Sergius’ Monastery of the Trinity about the finding of the holy relics of St. Maxim the Greek (d. 1556; Commemoration Day – January 21) which occurred on 4 July 1997.
Note: St. Maxim the Greek arrived in Moscow from the Vatopedi monastery on Mouth Athos in 1518 at the invitation of the Great Prince Basil III of Moscow. He died in the Monastery of the Trinity and was buried at the northern wall of the Church of the Holy Spirit. He was glorified as a local saint in 1591, under the first all-Russian Patriarch Job. A chapel was built over his grave, adjacent to the Church of the Holy Spirit. It was popularly called “Maxim’s Tent” and was rebuilt several times. In the period between 1939-1940, Maxim’s Tent was pulled down. After the monastery was re-opened, a tomb was erected in the Church of the Holy Spirit to show that the saint was buried in the monastery. The Council held on the occasion of the Millennium of the Baptism of Russia in 1988 canonised Maxim the Greek among other Russian saints. In 1994, the holy relics of the Metropolitans Philaret and Innocent of Moscow were discovered at the south wall of the Church of the Holy Spirit. In late June, 1996, Patriarch Alexy II blessed the work to discover the holy relics of St. Maxim the Greek. The work was directed by archaeologist S. Belyaev. The brethren of the monastery kept singing prayers to the saint before and during the work. The holy relics of St. Maxim the Greek were discovered on 4 July 1996. They were unearthed in a solemn ceremony led by Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia as Holy Archimandrite of the Monastery in the presence of the clergy of the monastery, the Moscow Theological Academy and the Moscow Church Representation of St. Panteleimon’s Monastery on Mount Athos.
RESOLVED: 1) that thanks be offered up to God for revealing the holy relics of His saint, the Venerable Maxim the Greek and that his holy relics be transferred for venertion from the Church of the Holy Spirit to the Cathedral of the Assumption on 19 July 1997, the Day of All the Saints of Radonezh;
2) that hope be expressed that the holy relics of St. Maxim the Greek may serve as a visible sign of fraternal union among the Russian, Constantinopolitan and Greek Churches in which he was canonised and Mount Athos where he began performing his monastic feats;
3) that gratitude be expressed to all those who worked to discover the relics of St. Maxim the Greek.
HEARD: the information from the PATRIARCH about his visit to the Holy Land on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Russian Orthodox Mission in Jerusalem.
RESOLVED: 1) that thanks be offered up to God for having given the primate of the Russian Orthodox Church to mark the 150th anniversary of the Russian Orthodox Mission in Jerusalem by a pilgrimage to the Lord’s Life-giving Sepulchre together with an assembly of clergy and laity and representatives of Synodal institutions and theological schools;
2) that the primate of the Orthodox Church of Jerusalem, Patriarch Diodoros, be thanked for the warm fraternal welcome and hospitality accorded the delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church;
3) that the Department for External Church Relations be thanked for the preparation of the visit and the jubilee programme of the celebrations on the occasions of the 150th anniversary of the Russian Orthodox Mission in Jerusalem;
4) that the work carried out by the Russian Orthodox Mission in Jerusalem to restore churches and facilities for hosting pilgrims, the number of which has considerably increased of late, be noted with satisfaction.
HEARD: the information from the PATRIARCH about his visit to Austria from June 20 to 23, 1997.
RESOLVED: 1) that satisfaction be expressed with the visit of the primate of the Russian Orthodox Church to the diocese of Vienna, during which His Holiness conducted divine services and met with the clergy and faithful;
2) that the meetings that His Holiness the Patriarch had with Austrian state leaders including President Klestil, Chancellor Clima, President of the National Council Fischer, the vice-chancellor, and Foreign Minister Schuessel, be noted as important;
3) that regret be expressed in connection with a sudden refusal of Patriarch Bartholomaios I of Constantinople to take part in the previously fixed meeting with Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia which was agreed to take place on 20 June 1997 in Vienna;
4) that the important meeting between Patriarch Alexy and the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Vienna Christopher Schenborn be noted with satisfaction.
HEARD: the information from the PATRIARCH about the visit of the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin I to Moscow and about the exhibition of the Armenian church art devoted to the 1700th anniversary of Christianity in Armenia, which was opened on 2 July 1997 at the Moscow Kremlin under the joint patronage of the primates of the Russian Orthodox and the Armenian Apostolic Churches.
RESOLVED: 1) that the report be acknowledged;
2) that satisfaction be expressed with the participation of the Russian Orthodox Church in the festivities held by the Armenian Church in preparations for the 1700th anniversary of the declaration of Christianity as state religion in Armenia;
3) that contcts between the primates of the Russian and the Armenian Churches be considered important as they testify to the deepening of fraternal relations between the two Churches as an important factor in strengthening peace between the Russian and Armenian nations.
HEARD: the information from the PATRIARCH about the Day of Slavonic Literature and Culture which was observed on the Commemoration Day of Sts Cyril and Methodius Equal to the Apostles.
RESOLVED: 1) that the report be acknowledged;
2) that Rector of the Moscow Theological Academy and Seminary, Bishop Yevgeny of Vereisk, be charged with working out themes for conferences to be held on the Day of Slavonic Literature and Culture in 1998.
HEARD: the report by Metropolitan Filaret of Minsk and Slutsk, Patriarchal Exarch for All Belarus, chairman of the Synodal Theological Commission, on the study of issues involved in the Orthodox-Catholic dialogue.
Background: In its Resolution “On Particular Questions Concerning the Internal Life and the External Activity of the Church”, the Bishops’ Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, which took place on 18-23 February 1997 in Moscow, charged the Synodal Theological Commission with making a study on the document “Uniatism as a Method of Unification in the Past and the Search for Full Unity in the Present”, which was worked out by the plenary session of the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Orthodox and the Roman Catholic Churches in 1993 in Balamand, Lebanon.
The Synodal Theological Commission considered the document at its meetings on 18 April and 16 July 1997.
To fulfil its task the commission had the existing Russian translation of the document made more precise and its final Russian version published in the Information Bulletin of the Department for External Church Relations, No. 9-1997. To ensure that the provisions of text were understood correctly, the commission deemed it necessary to accompany the publication with a special commentary reflecting the history of the dialogue between the Orthodox and the Roman Catholic Churches and the aims that the joint commission set itself.
After reviewing the text, the Synodal Theological Commission came to the conclusion that the Balamand document “was not a mythical ‘unia’ whatsoever; on the contrary, it was called lessen the tension caused by the activity of the Greek Catholics”. The document was worked out at a period of an acute crisis in western Ukraine when the Orthodox Churches had to exert every possible effort to make the public, international organisations and Christians Churches including the Roman Catholic Church understand that the devastation of Orthodoxy in western Ukraine was not only a gross violation of human rights and religious freedom, but also that Unia was a dangerous and unacceptable way of achieving unity.
The Balamand document introduced nothing essentially new, but only used the traditional Orthodox attitude towards Catholicism. At the same time, the Synodal Theological Commission considered it necessary to clarify a number of provisions of the document, such as the term “sister Churches” the use of which in the text under consideration was motivated by emotional rather that dogmatic reasons.
The Synodal Theological Commission also proposed that a special all-Orthodox discussion on the Balamand document should be held.
RESOLVED: 1) that the report be acknowledged;
2) that a special all-Orthodox discussion on the Balamand document be considered necessary;
3) that the commentary on the Balamand document presented by the Synodal Theological Commission be recommended for publishing in the church press.
HEARD: the report by Metropolitan Filaret of Minsk and Slutsk, Patriarchal Exarch for All Belarus, on the meeting of the Synod of the Belorussian Orthodox Church that took place on 8 July 1997 (Minutes No. 42).
RESOLVED: 1) that the report be acknowledged;
2) that the nomination of Archimandrite Theodosius (Bilchenko) to the vacant see of Polotsk be considered.
CONSIDERED: the work of the State Commission on the Examination and Re-burial of the Remains of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II and Members of His Family.
Background: The Holy Synod session of 6 October 1995 heard a report by Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsy and Kolomna, member of the State Commission on the Examination and Re-burial of the Remains of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II and Members of His Family, on the results of the work of the commission. Reports were also given by eight members of the Commission invited to that session.
After a discussion, the following resolution was adopted: 1. That the report by Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsy and Kolomna be acknowledged.
2. That the high guests be thanked for their contribution to the discussion.
3. That the great amount of work carried out by the State Commission under the leadership of Deputy Prime-minister Yu. F. Yarov be appreciated.
4. That the State Commission should continue working on the problems which have not yet been solved.
5. That it is desirable to establish an international commission made up of independent experts in forensic medicine, anthropology and criminal detection to resolve any doubts concerning the results of the expertise carried out by the State Commission.
6. That the continuation and deepening of co-operation with the State Commission led by Mr. Yarov and the Russian Experts Commission Abroad led by P. N. Koltypin-Vallovsky be considered useful.
7. That the Holy Synod assure the church and international public that it is committed to the search for the truth with regard to the remains found near Yekaterinburg and is willing to contribute to the completion of the investigation and that it prays that God may help us in this undertaking. As a result of this position of the Church, the Commission at its meeting on 15 November 1995 set forth the following actions to be taken for further study: 1. A stomatological examination;
2. A full anthropological examination of the bones;
3. Removing differences between the results of the Russian expertise and the conclusion made by Prof. Maples concerning the identification of Remains No. 6 (Anastasia or Mary);
4. An analysis of the conclusion made by Kolchak’s government after its own investigation that the Imperial family was fully eliminated and a comparison between other results of the investigation made in the period 1918-1924 and today;
5. A graphological and stylistic examination of Yurovsky’s note;
6. An examination of the osseous callus on Skull No. 4;
7. An investigation in the fate of the remains of the hair Alexis and his sister;
8. A conclusion concerning the possibility for a full destruction of two bodies (the amount of firewood, kerosene, acid, time and other conditions);
9. A confirmation or refutation of the ritual nature of the murder;
10. A confirmation or refutation of the evidence that Nicholas II was beheaded immediately after the murder. These points were listed in a letter of the Chairman of the Commission Yu. Yarov to the General Prosecutor Yu. Skuratov, asking him to “find an opportunity for completing the investigation by experts and for solving the problems posed by the Commission under the criminal case”. In his reply, the General Prosecutor Skuratov informed Yu. Yarov that “the decision made on 15 September 1995 to close the case was recognised as premature as the examination of some evidence, including Yurovsky’s notes and the objects involved in the attempt at Nicholas II’s life in 1891 in Japan, as well as other investigative actions involved indirectly in the identification of the remains had not been made. By the decision of the General Prosecutor of 6 December 1995, the case was resumed. The additional investigation was entrusted to V. Solovyev, a criminal prosecutor of the General Prosecutor’s Office”.
The last official meeting of the Commission took place on 21 February 1996. It was chaired by its new chairman V. Kinelev. The Commission met for a working session on 17 January 1997, at the office of its still another new chairman, V. Ignatenko. It was attended by some members residing in Moscow. The meeting stated that the ten above-mentioned actions remained relevant. The Commission has never met ever since.
RESOLVED: 1) that the questions posed by the Church at the Holy Synod meeting of 6 October 1995 and those worked out by the Commission on 15 November 1995 be considered crucial for the completion of the work of the State Commission;
2) that the biased presentation of the work of the Commission and the position of the Russian Orthodox Church by the mass media is regrettable;
3) that the position taken by Metropolitan Juvenaly at the Commission be approved.
HEARD: the report by Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations, on the enthronement of Patriarch Peter III of Alexandria and the participation in it of the Russian Orthodox Church delegation led by Metropolitan Pitirim of Volokolamsk and Yuriev.
Information: Metropolitan Peter was born on 3 September 1949 in Cyprus. He was ordained deacon in 1969 and presbyter in 1978. He was a vicar bishop of the Patriarch of Alexandria from 1983 to 1990. In 1990 he was elevated to the rank of the Metropolitan of Accra. From 1991 he was Patriarchal Exarch for Irinopoulis (Western Africa) and from 1992 for Eastern Africa (Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania). He was Exarch for Western Africa before he was elected to the Patriarchal Throne of the Church of Alexandria. His enthronement took place on 9 March 1997 at the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Annunciation in Alexandria, Egypt.
RESOLVED: 1) that the report be acknowledged;
2) that God be thanked for having given a new primate of the Orthodox Church of Alexandria;
3) that His Beatitude Peter III, Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, be thanked for having invited a delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church to take part in his enthronement and for the hospitality accorded it.
HEARD: the report by Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations, on the theological conference that took place on 15-16 April 1996, devoted to the 150th anniversary of the Russian Orthodox Mission in Jerusalem.
Information: The conference was attended by nearly 100 representatives of theological and secular educational institutions, research institutes and public organisations in Russia. It was addressed by Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia. The participants considered 26 presentations on the history of the Russian Orthodox Mission in Jerusalem, the Orthodox pilgrimages to the Holy Land and Russian-Palestinian relations.
RESOLVED: 1) that the report be acknowledged;
2) that satisfaction be expressed with the high academic quality of the presentations made and the high activity of the representatives of the ecclesiastical and secular science who took part in the conference;
3) that the presentations made at the conference be published in the special jubilee issue of “Theological Studies”.
HEARD: the report by Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations, on his visit to Denmark on 3-6 March 1997.
RESOLVED: 1) that the report be acknowledged;
2) that satisfaction be expressed with the meetings that Metropolitan Kirill had with representatives of the Orthodox community and the appropriate state authorities in Denmark.
HEARD: the report by Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations, on the bilateral meeting between delegations of the Russian Orthodox and the Roman Catholic Churches that took place on 7-8 May 1997 in Bari, Italy.
Information: A regular bilateral meeting between delegations of the Moscow Patriarchate and the Holy See took place on May 7-8, 1997, in Bari, Italy, the place where the holy relics of St. Nicholas the Wonder-worker, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, are kept. It was held in the framework of the earlier agreements to hold consultations on a regular basis. The delegations were headed respectively by His Eminence Edward Idris Cardinal Cassidy, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, and His Eminence Kirill, Metropolitan of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate. Among the participants were also representatives of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the Greek Catholic Church in Western Ukraine and Transcarpathia.
The meeting coincided with the annual celebrations devoted to the Translation of the Holy and Healing Relics of St. Nicholas the Wonder-worker from Myra in Lycia to Bari. Both delegations participated in the festivities dedicated to this memorable event.
The meeting considered a wide range of problems concerning relations between the Greek Catholics and the Orthodox in Ukraine. As a result of the meeting, a joint communique was drafted. It contains an assessment of the complicated situation in Ukraine and concrete recommendations for
overcoming it.
RESOLVED: that the report be acknowledged.
HEARD: the report from Bishop Antony of Barnaul and the Altai on the need to release Archimandrite German (Ledin) from his duties as father superior of St. Dimity’s Monastery at the town of Alejsk due to his transfer to the parish service and on the appointment of Hieromonk Alexis (Tregubenko) as father superior of St. Dimitry’s Monastery.
RESOLVED: 1) that Archimandrite German (Ledin) be released from his duties as father superior of St. Dimity’s Monastery at Alejsk due to his transfer to the parish service;
2) that the appointment of Hieromonk Alexis (Tregubenko) as father superior of St. Dimitry’s Monastery be approved.
HEARD: the request from Archbishop Isidore of Krasnodar and Novorossijsk to rename St. Mary-Magdalene Schete in the diocese of Krasnodar to the convent of the same name and to appoint mother superior for the convent.
RESOLVED: 1) that St. Mary-Magdalene Schete in the diocese of Krasnodar be transformed into St. Mary-Magdalene Convent;
2) that Sister Sevastiana (Lebedeva) be appointed mother superior of the convent with the right to wear a pectoral cross as befits her office.
HEARD: the report from Bishop Sergius of Novosibirsk and Berdsk informing the Synod that when he assumed the administration over the diocese the listed Monastery of the Elevation of the Cross at the village of Malinovka did not function and there was no possibility to form the community.
RESOLVED: that the Monastery of the Elevation of the Cross at the village of Malinovka, diocese of Novosibirsk, be abolished.
HEARD: the request from Bishop Sergius of Novosibirsk and Berdsk to re-open the Monastery of Archangel Michael at the village of Maloirmenka, Novosibirsk Province, and to appoint the father superior for it.
RESOLVED: 1) that blessing be given upon the re-opening of the Monastery of Archangel Michael at the village of Maloirmenka, Novosibirsk Province;
2) that Hieromonk Artemy (Snigur) be appointed father superior of the monastery.
HEARD: the request from Bishop Sergius of Novosibirsk and Berdsk to re-open the Monastery of the Intercession at the village of Zavyalovo, Novosibirsk Province, and to appoint the father superior for it.
RESOLVED: 1) that blessing be given upon the re-opening the Monastery of the Intercession at Zavyalovo, Novosibirsk Province;
2) that Hieromonk Nicholas (Chashin) be appointed father superior of the monastery.
HEARD: the request from Metropolitan Theodosius of Omsk and Tara to approve the appointment of Sister Vera (Biriukova) as mother superior of the Convent of the Lord’s Life-giving Cross at the town of Achair, Omsk Province.
RESOLVED: that the appointment of Senior Sister Vera (Biriukova) as mother superior of the Convent of the Lord’s Life-giving Cross at Achair, Omsk Province, be approved and that a pectoral cross be granted to her as befits her office.
HEARD: the request from Archbishop Seraphim of Penza and Kuznetsk to re-open the Kerensky Monastery of Our Lady of Tikhvin and to appoint Hieromonk Mitrofan (Seregin) father superior of the monastery.
RESOLVED: 1) that blessing be given upon the re-opening of the Kerensky Monastery of Our Lady of Tikhvin for the resumption of monastic life in it.
2) that Hieromonk Mitrophan (Seregin) be appointed father superior of the monastery.
HEARD: the request from Archbishop Simon of Ryazan and Kasimov to approve the appointment of Archimandrite Abel (Makedonov) as father superior of the Monastery of St. John the Theologian of the Ryazan diocese.
RESOLVED: that the appointment of Archimandrite Abel (Makedonov) as father superior of the Monastery of St. John the Theologian of the Ryazan diocese be approved, as he has actually acted as such from 6 May 1989.
HEARD: the report from Archbishop Alexis of Alma Ata and Semipalatinsk on the appointment of Hieromonk Platon (Divenko) as father superior of the Monastery of the Holy Trinity in Ust-Kamenogorsk.
RESOLVED: that the appointment of Hieromonk Platon (Divenko) as father superior of the Monastery of the Holy Trinity in Ust-Kamenogorsk be approved, with granting him the right to wear a pectoral cross.
HEARD: the request from Archbishop Alexis of Alma Ata and Semipalatinsk to found a Hermitage of the Saviour in the diocese of Alma Ata and to appoint Hieromonk Nectarius (Mikhailichenko) father superior of the hermitage.
RESOLVED: 1) that blessing be given upon the foundation of a Hermitage of the Saviour in the diocese of Alma Ata;
2) that Hieromonk Nectarius (Mikhailichenko) be appointed father superior of the hermitage.
HEARD: the report by Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations, on his participation in the celebrations on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the parish of the Resurrection of Christ in Rabat, Morocco, held from May 10 to 14, 1997.
RESOLVED: 1) that the report be acknowledged;
2) that, with thanks to God, the 70th anniversary of the blessed existence of the parish of the Resurrection of the Christ in Rabat, Morocco, be noted and that the holding of celebrations on the occasion be welcomed;
3) that satisfaction be expressed with the meetings that Metropolitan Kirill had with representatives of the government and religious circles in Morocco during his stay in that country.
HEARD: the report by Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations, on the participation of the Russian Orthodox church delegation led by Archbishop Feofan of Berlin and Germany in events at the German Evangelical Kirchentag which took place in Leipzig, FRG, from June 18 to 22, 1997.
RESOLVED: that the report be acknowledged.
HEARD: the report by Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations, on the Second European Ecumenical Assembly which took place in Graz, Austria, from June 23 to 29, 1997, and on the participation of the Russian Orthodox church delegation in it.
Information: The Second European Ecumenical Assembly was organised by the Conference of European Churches (CEC) and the Council of Bishops’ Conferences in Europe (CECE). The changes that have taken place in Europe since the First European Ecumenical Assembly in Basel, Switzerland, have put the European Christian community before the need to answer many questions concerning the future of Christian churches in the light of the approaching 2000th anniversary of the Coming to the World of Our Saviour Jesus Christ. The Assembly with its theme “Reconciliation – a Gift of God and Source of New Life” gathered some 10 thousand people from all over Europe who represented various religious organisations and communities, including over 700 official delegates of churches in Europe. The delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church was led by Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad.
Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia addressed the Assembly at its opening session.
Members of the Russian Orthodox delegation took an active part in the discussion on global and regional issues, advocating the Orthodox vision of social, ethical and political processes going on in renewing Europe. Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad made a presentation at the dialogue forum which dealt with the theme “A Common Vision of New Europe – a Task for Nations and States”.
In the process of preparation of the final documents of the Assembly, the delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church proposed a considerable number of amendments aimed to improve the text. Many of these amendments were adopted. Nevertheless, unfortunately, the document did not acquire a balanced character which could fully satisfy the Orthodox participants in the Assembly. In this connection, the delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church abstained from voting on the final documents.
RESOLVED: 1) that the report be acknowledged;
2) that the position taken by the delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church at the Second European Ecumenical Assembly be approved;
3) that the final documents of the Second European Ecumenical Assembly be referred to the Synodal Theological Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church for drafting a report to be presented to the Holy Synod.
HEARD: the report by Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations, on the 11th Assembly of the Conference of European Churches which took pace in Graz, Austria, from June 30 to July 4, 1997, and on the participation of the delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church in it.
Information: The Assembly was attended by 350 delegates. The Russian Orthodox Church was represented by a delegation led by Archbishop Longin of Klin, representative of the ROC in Germany. The CEC Assembly made a positive assessment of the results of the Second European Ecumenical Assembly on the whole. It developed the theme of reconciliation in the European continent. The Assembly worked in four section devoted to interchurch relations, unity and mission, diakonia and church-state relations. A message from Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia was read at a plenary session.
The Assembly elected a new Central Committee of the CEC.
RESOLVED: 1) that the report be acknowledged;
2) that the position taken by the delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church at the 11th Assembly of the CEC be approved;
3) that the election of Archbishop Longin of Klin, vicar of the Moscow Patriarchate, and Hieromonk Illarion (Alfeyev) and Yelena Speranskaya, staff member of the DECR, to the CEC Central Committee be acknowledged.
HEARD: the report by Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations, on the Church People’s Council of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church which took place on 2-4 July 1997, and on the participation of Metropolitan Pitirim of Volokolamsk and Yuriev in it.
RESOLVED: 1) that the report be acknowledged;
2) that God be thanked for bringing order in the church life in Bulgaria, led by the canonical authorities of the Bulgarian Patriarchate;
3) that support be given to the call of the Church People’s Council of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church to promote the efforts of the legislative, executive and judicial authorities in Bulgaria to help the canonical Church fulfil her saving mission in social life for the benefit of her people and Motherland;
4) that the fact that the Local Council of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church condemned the actions of the schismatics and called them to repent and return to the fold of the Mother Church be acknowledged.
HEARD: the report by Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations, on the celebrations devoted to the 100th anniversary of the Sts Peter and Paul Church of the Russian Orthodox Church Representation in Karlovy Vary and on the participation of Metropolitan Pitirim of Volokolamsk and Yuriev and Archbishop Feofan of Berlin and Germany in the celebrations.
RESOLVED: 1) that the report be acknowledged;
2) that gratitude be expressed to the primate of the Orthodox Church in the Czech Lands and Slovakia, Metropolitan Dorotej, for his warm care for the Russian Orthodox Church Representation in Karlovy Vary as it helps to maintain and develop relations between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Orthodox Church in the Czech Lands and Slovakia and takes pastoral care of the Russian Orthodox faithful living in Czechia and Slovakia.
HEARD: the report by Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations, on the parish of St. Sergius of Radonezh in Stockholm.
RESOLVED: that the Rev. Alexander Piskunov of the Department for External Church Relations be appointed rector of the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh in Stockholm.
HEARD: the report by Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations, on the patriarchal parishes in Canada.
RESOLVED: that Archpriest Alexander Smediuk of the patriarchal parishes in Canada be released of his duties due to the expiration of the term of his mission abroad and be placed at the disposal of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.
HEARD: the report by Bishop Alexis of Orekhovo-Zuyevo on the work carried out by the Synodal Liturgical Commission.
The commission, including Archimandrite Matfey, Archimandrite Makary, Archpriest Vladimir Kucheryavy, Hegumen Andronic (secretary) and the Rev. Alexander Samoilov, held 13 meetings in the period from April to December 1996. It edited the following: 1. The service devoted to St. Martyr Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kiev and Galich (the draft was made by Archpriest Vladimir Kucheryavy);
2. The troparion, kontakion and prayer to St. Anthony of Radonezh (the draft was made by monks of St. Sergius’ Monastery of the Trinity);
3. The troparion and kontakion to the Synaxis of the Venerable Fathers and Starets Who Shone Forth in the Optina Hermitage;
4. The prayer to the Lord on the occasion of the 850th anniversary of Moscow (the draft was based on the prayer composed by St. Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna); The Commission asked the Holy Synod to approve also the texts which were presented to the Synod earlier and which have been adopted in church usage, but the approval of which was not reported for technical reasons or the publication of which was suspended because of inaccuracies. Among them: 1. The service devoted to the Synaxis of the Saints of the Pskov Monastery of the Caves;
2. The troparion and kontakion to Sts Cyril and Mary, the Wonder-workers of Radonezh;
3. The akathistos and kontakion to Sts Cyril and Mary, the Wonder-workers of Radonezh;
4. The troparion and kontakion to St. Martyr Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kiev;
5. The troparion and kontakion to St. Martyr Veniamin, Metropolitan of Petrograd;
6. The troparion and kontakion to St. Martyr the Grand Duchess of Moscow;
7. The troparion and kontakion to St. Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna;
8. The troparion and kontakion to St. Barnaba of Gethsimane;
9. The troparion to St. Roman the Melodist;
10. The prayer over the holy oil. II. In addition, the commission considered the texts of the akathistos to St. Martyr Elizabeth of Moscow, the akathistos to Sts Boris and Gleb, the canon to the Synaxis of the Venerable Fathers and Starets of the Optina Hermitage, and came to the conclusion that further editing work on them was needed.
III. The commission received the new texts of the those services which had already been edited and approved by the Holy Synod. In this connection, the commission made the following decision: 1. To recommend for usage the Service to Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg presented by the Rev. Nicholas Bulekov and P. Birukov and approved by Holy Synod in 1992.
2. The published texts of the services devoted to the saints of St. Andronic’s monastery in Moscow, including Sts Andronic, Savva, Alexander and Andrew, Daniel the Icon-painter, and St. Andrew the Icon-Painter (a separate service) correspond to those approved by the Holy Synod. It is possible to re-print these texts, if the accents are indicated, misprints are corrected and the corrections made by the Liturgical Commission at its session of 11 March 1996 are taken into account. IV. To recommend to the editor-in-chief of the Moscow Patriarchate Publishing House, Bishop Tikhon of Bronnitsa, to publish the services to the newly canonised saints, approved by the Holy Synod and to bring the desk-calendar in line with the liturgical Minea of 1978-1990 and the service to the newly canonised saints.
V. To recommend the Orthodox publishers to add the note “The text of the service (akathistos) was reviewed by the Synodal Liturgical Commission on (the date) and approved for usage in the Church by the decision of the Holy Synod of (the date)” to “Published with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia” in the publications of new liturgical texts.
VI. The commission edited the draft text of the service devoted to Sts Cyril and Mary of Radonezh, composed by Archpriest Vladimir Kucheryavy (vespers and matins).
VII. The commission considered some questions concerning the liturgical practice and made the following decisions:
1. To consider it desirable to observe the following order in mentioning the names of Russian saints in Prayers Save, O God… and O Merciful Master…: “… (insert) St. Michael, the first Metropolitan of Moscow; the Fist hierarchs of Moscow and All Russia – Peter, Alexis, Jonas, Macarius, Philip, Job, Hermogenes, and Tikhon; Metropolitans of Moscow – Philaret and Innocent; Bishops – (names of diocesan bishops follow)
RESOLVED: that the report be acknowledged and the services and the commemoration texts be recommended for usage in the Russian Orthodox Church.
HEARD: the report by Bishop Alexis of Orekhovo-Zuyevo on the work carried out by the Synodal Liturgical Commission.
The commission, including Archimandrite Matfey, Archimandrite Makary, Archpriest Vladimir Kucheryavy, Hegumen Andronic (secretary) and the Rev. Alexander Samoilov, held 18 meetings in the period from January to June 1997. It carried out the following work: 1. The text of troparions and kontakions to the following newly canonised saints were prepared:
– St. Martyr Peter, Metropolitan of Krutitsy;
– St. Martyr Seraphim, Metropolitan of St. Petersburg;
– St. Martyr Thaddeus, Archbishop of Tver and Kashin.
2. The texts of the services devoted to the following saints were prepared for approval:
– Sts Cyril and Mary of Radonezh (authors – Archpriest Vladimir Kucheryavy and the Rev. Alexander Samoilov);
– St. Barnaba of Gethsimane in Radonezh (the draft was presented by the Chernigov Schete of Gethsimane); RESOLVED: that the report be acknowledged and that the texts be recommended for usage in the Russian Orthodox Church.
HEARD: the order of exclamation “O Lord, save the righteous…” during the Divine Liturgy at a patriarchal, episcopal and priestly service.
The Liturgical Commission proposes the following order:
At the Little Entrance during the Divine Liturgy:
The Patriarch, having taken the censer, censes around the Holy Altar and the Table of Oblation and the whole sanctuary, holding the patriarchal staff in his left hand. Then he goes through the Holy Doors and censes the icons of Christ and the Most Holy Theotokos, standing before the Holy Altar. Then the choir sings the regular troparia and kontakia according to the order and the day.
However, the concluding kontakion is not sung. The Patriarch stands before the Holy Altar, while the archdeacon, having come out of the sanctuary, stands to the side facing the Holy Doors. Holding the orarion with three fingers and lifting it up slightly, says: O Lord, save the righteous. Those in the sanctuary sing the same and the choir repeats it. The archdeacon says: And hear us. And those in the sanctuary sing the same and the choir repeats it.
Then the archdeacon says the Great Praises.
The Patriarch, standing before the Holy Altar, sings, together with the concelebrants serving together with him, the concluding kontakion according to the order.
Immediately after this, the archdeacon says: Bless, Master, the time of the Thrice-Holy.
And standing before the Door, says: Let us pray to the Lord.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Patriarch: For holy art thou, O our God, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to thee Holy Spirit, now, and ever.
The archdeacon, standing near the Door and holding the orarion with three fingers and pointing it to the people, says:
And unto ages of ages.
The first choir sings softly: O Holy God…
2) to adopt the order of the exclamation “O Lord, save the righteous and hear us” at the hierarchical and priestly service (as the Praises is not sung) as follows:
When the choir sings the concluding troparion, the protodeacon, addressing himself to the bishop and holding the orarion with three fingers, says:
Bless, Master the time of the Thrice-Holy.
The bishop blesses him. After the troparion, the protodeacon comes close to the Holy Door and, standing before it, says:
Let us pray to the Lord.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
The bishop says the exclamation: For holy art thou, O our God, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to thee Holy Spirit, now, and ever.
The Protodeacon stands near the Holy Door and, pointing the orarion first to the icon of Christ, says:
O Lord, save the righteous.
And the choirs repeats the same.
The Protodeacon: And hear us.
And the choir repeats the same.
Then the protodeacon, in a sweeping motion, says loudly to those who stand without:
And unto ages of ages.
Choir: Amen. And, O Holy God, softly.
3. The priest, when there is no serving deacon, should himself say: O Lord, save the righteous and hear us, as it is not one of those exclamations which belong to the deacon alone (Tserkovnye vedomosti, 1900, 23).
The priest says the exclamation:
For holy art thou, O our God, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to thee Holy Spirit, now, and ever.
Choir: Amen
The priest says: O Lord, save the righteous.
The choir repeats the same.
The priests says: And hear us.
The choir repeats the same and sings, O Holy God.
RESOLVED: the proposed order of the exclamation “O Lord, save the righteous…” be adopted and observed at the Divine Liturgy.
HEARD: the report by Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations, on his visit to the Republic of Lithuania.
Information: Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad in his capacity as Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations visited Lithuania on 15-16 May 1997 at the invitation of Archbishop Chrysostom of Vilna and Lithuania. Metropolitan Kirill had a meeting with the ruling bishop, the clergy and laity of the diocese of Vilna and a talk with Metropolitan Archbishop Audrus Juzas Bachkis, chairman of the Episcopal Conference in Lithuania (Roman Catholic Church). During the visit the metropolitan was engaged in preparations for a visit by His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia to Lithuania on the occasion of the 650th anniversary of the death of the Vilna martyrs and the 400th anniversary of the foundation of the Monastery of the Holy Spirit in Vilnius.
RESOLVED: that the report be acknowledged.
HEARD: 1) the report by Metropolitan Methodius of Voronezh and Lipetsk on the transformation of the pre-seminary in Voronezh into a seminary.
2) the report by the Acting Chairman of the Holy Synod Education Committee, Bishop Yevgeny of Vereisk, on the possibility of transforming the pre-seminary in Voronezh into a seminary.
RESOLVED: 1) that the pre-seminary in Voronezh be transformed into a seminary;
2) that Archpriest Basil Popov be appointed rector of the seminary in Voronezh.
HEARD: 1) the request from Archbishop Anastasius of Kazan and Tatarstan on the opening of a pre-seminary in Kazan.
2) the report by the Acting Chairman of the Holy Synod Education Committee, Bishop Yevgeny of Vereisk, on the possibility of opening a pre-seminary in Kazan.
RESOLVED: 1) that blessing be given upon the opening of a 2-year training pre-seminary in Kazan;
2) that Archbishop Anastasius of Kazan and Tatarstan be appointed rector of the pre-seminary.
HEARD: the report by the Acting Chairman of the Holy Synod Education Committee, Bishop Yevgeny of Vereisk, on the possibility to transform the theological department of the Kishinev State University into a theological academy.
RESOLVED: 1) that the theological department at the Kishinev State University be transformed into a theological academy provided the enrolment of students is brought in line with the rules adopted by the academies of the Russian Orthodox Church.
2) that Metropolitan Vladimir of Kishinev and All Moldova be appointed rector of the academy.
HEARD: 1) the report by Bishop Nicon of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye with a request to increase the time of training at the pre-seminary in Yekaterinburg to 4 years.
2) the report by the Acting Chairman of the Holy Synod Education Committee, Bishop Yevgeny of Vereisk, on the desirability to increase the time of training at the pre-seminary in Yekaterinburg.
RESOLVED: that the time of training at the pre-seminary in Yekaterinburg be increased to 4 years.
HEARD: 1) the report by Bishop Sergius of Samara and Syzran on the transformation of the pre-seminary in Samara into a seminary.
2) the report by the Acting Chairman of the Holy Synod Education Committee, Bishop Yevgeny of Vereisk, on the possibility to transform pre-seminary in Samara into a seminary.
RESOLVED: 1) that the pre-seminary in Samara be transformed into a seminary;
2) that Bishop Sergius of Samara and Syzran be appointed rector of the seminary;
3) that Hieromonk Benjamin (Labutin) be appointed assistant rector of the seminary.
CONSIDERED: the recommendation made by the Synod of the Belorussian Orthodox Church concerning the appointment of Archimandrite Theodosius (Bilchenko) to the vacant see of Polotsk.
RESOLVED: that Archimandrite Theodosius (Bilchenko), lecturer at the Moscow Theological Academy, be appointed Bishop of Polotsk and Glubotsk, with his episcopal consecration to be conducted in the city of Polotsk;
– that the pertaining ukases be forwarded.
CONSIDERED: the situation in the diocese of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk,
RESOLVED: 1) that Bishop Arcady of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk be relieved from administration over the diocese and that 2 months be given to him for treatment as he requested;
2) that Archimandrite Jonathan (Tsvetkov), rector of the Cathedral of the Resurrection in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, be appointed Bishop of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and the Kuriles and that his episcopal consecration be conducted in Moscow;
– that the pertaining ukases be forwarded.
CONSIDERED: the situation at the diocese of Petropavlovsk.
RESOLVED: 1) that the numerous requests of Bishop Nestor of Petropavlovsk and Kamchatka to retire due to poor health be granted;
2) that Bishop Rostislav of Magadan and Chukotka be entrusted with temporary administration over the diocese of Petropavlovsk and Kamchanka;
– that the pertaining ukases be forwarded.
+ Alexy, Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia
Members of the Holy Synod:
+ Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kiev and all Ukraine
+ Vladimir, Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga
+ Philaret, Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk, Patriarchal Exarch of all Byelarus
+ Juvenaly, Metropolitan of Krutitsy and Kolomna
+ Kirill, Metropolitan of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations
+ Yevsevy, Archbishop of Pskov and Velikiye Luki
+ Alexy, Archbishop of Alma ata and Semipalatinsk
+ Mikhey, Archbishop of Yaroslavl and Rostov
+ Sergy, Bishop of Samara and Syzran
+ Iona, Bishop of Astrakhan and Yenotayevsk
+ Nikon, Bishop of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye
+ Sergy, Archbishop of Solnechnogorsk, Chancellor of the Moscow Patriarchate Top