Митрополит Кирилл: «Всемирный Русский Народный Собор объединяет тех, кому дорога их принадлежность к русской цивилизации»
В дни Светлой Пасхальной седмицы митрополит Смоленский и Калининградский Кирилл, председатель Отдела внешних церковных связей Московского Патриархата, ответил на вопросы директора Государственной телерадиокомпании «Калининград» Владимира Шаронова
19.06.2006 · Архив 2005-2009, Документы
- Conciliar Document of the 10th World Russian People’s Council
- World Russian People’s Council:
DECLARATION ON HUMAN RIGHTS AND DIGNITY - Concluding press conference of the World Russian People’s Council
- World Russian People’s Council completes its work in a final plenary session
- First working day of the 10th World Russian People’s Council
- World Russian People’s Council opened in Moscow
- President V.V. Putin of the Russian Federation sends greetings to the participants and guests of the 10th World Russian People’s Council
To the participants and guests of the 10th World Russian People’s Council - Human Rights and Moral Responsibility
Address by Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad at the 10th World Russian People’s Council April 4, 2006, Moscow - Session of the 10th Jubilee World People’s Council on ‘Faith. Man. Earth. Mission of Russia in the 21st’ century will be held in the Church Councils Hall of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior on 4 April 2006
- Metropolitan Kirill speaks at a news conference in ‘Interfax’ on the threshold of the World Russian Peoples’ Council
- Metropolitan Kirill to take part in news conference ‘Human Rights and Personal Dignity: Ecclesiastical and Public Views’