His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II extends condolences to Russian President Vladimir Putin over the plane crash on May 3, 2006

His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia sent the following message of condolences to Russian President V. Putin and Armenian President R. Kocharian over the plane crash on May 3, 2006, near Sochi.

To His Excellency Vladimir V. Putin
President of the Russian Federation

Your Excellency, Highly Esteemed Vladimir Vladimirovich,

With profound sorrow I heard the report about the crash of an A-320 Armavia airliner near Sochi and the death of all its passengers and its crew, among which there were also Russian citizens. I lift up prayers for the rest of their souls.

A great disaster has befallen us all. It is especially hard for the families and friends of the dead. In these sorrowful days, the Russian Orthodox Church spiritually supports those who suffer. May the Lord give them to endure with dignity the trial that has fallen to their lot.

I trust that you and the Government of the Russian Federation will do all that is possible to relieve their suffering. Remembering the victims of the tragedy, let us take care of one another, of peace and security of our neighbours and all people in Russia.

With sincere respect,

+ Alexy
Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia