Русскую Духовную Миссию в Иерусалиме посетил архиепископ Берлинский и Германский Марк (Русская Зарубежная Церковь)
4.04.2006 · Архив 2005-2009, События
- Commissions of the Moscow Patriarchate and the Russian Church Outside of Russia complete their seventh working meeting
- The seventh working meeting between the Moscow Patriarchate Commission on Dialogue with the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and the ROCOR Commission on discussion with the Moscow Patriarchate
- Russian Church Outside Russia secretary for negotiations with Moscow Patriarchate visits Moscow
- The clergy of the Russian Church Outside Russia in the USA supports the policy towards unity with the Moscow Patriarchate
- 6th working meeting of the Commissions of the Moscow Patriarchate and the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
- Delegation of the Moscow Patriarchate and the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia visits Ukraine
- Bishop Gabriel of Manhattan: ‘We shall overcome divisions and become one Church when God wills’